Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Escaping Salem The Other Witch Hunt Of 1692 Essay

ESCAPING SALEM: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 In Richard GodBeers novel â€Å"Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692† he tells of a witch trial that took place in Stamford Connecticut in 1692. GodBeer starts readers off with the setting taking place in Daniel and Abigail Wescots household. He tells of a dilemma going on in the household pertaining to their servant; Katherine Branch. She was experiencing hallucinated fits that caused her to convulse and scream in pain. The ongoing fits led the Wescot’s and other citizens of Stamford into believing the fits were caused by bewitchment. The suspicion then leads Katherine Branch to tell of visitations from the devil in numerous forms, as well as being tormented by witches. She accuses Elizabeth Clawson, Mercy Disborough, Goody Miller, Mary Staples, and Hannah Harvey as the individuals visiting her and tormenting her in her hallucinations. The accusation then led to a witch hunt trial resulting in the arrestment of all t he women Katherine had named. Kate’s accusations led citizens of Stamford to agree with her statements due to past confrontations with any of the accused individuals. The trial resulted in all women being found innocent or given their freedom due to insufficient evidence. The witch hunt trial of Stamford Connecticut corresponded with the infamous witch hunt that took place in Salem Massachusetts in the year 1692. Salem’s trial was ignited by a group of girls whom also fell into convulsions and fits just asShow MoreRelatedIn Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt Of 1692, Richard1461 Words   |  6 PagesIn Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692, Richard Godbeer reconstructs a particular witch hunt that is less known than its counterpart, the Salem Witch Trials. This trial, which took place in the Stamford, Connecticut area in the seventeenth century, demonstrated the theologies as well as the natural and supernatural beliefs of early New Englanders. These factors played an important role in how these settlers viewed the world and its peculiar mysteries. The perspectives of key participantsRead MoreAbdeali Dalal. Dr. Jenkins. History 1301. February 13,1541 Words   |  7 Pages Abdeali Dalal Dr. Jenkins History 1301 February 13, 2017 â€Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch Hunt of 1692† â€Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch hunt of 1692† was penned and published by Richard Godbeer in 2005. Godbeer expressed his views on what he called basic witch trials in Salem and more importantly, in Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts. The same year that Salem witch hunt and trials began in 1692, another witch hunt took place in Stamford, the Western Connecticut to when a woman (ElizabethRead MoreHiding Salem : The Other Witch Hunt Of 1692 By Richard Godbeer1145 Words   |  5 PagesBook Analysis: Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 by Richard Godbeer In Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 by Richard Godbeer examined the witchcraft hysteria which happened in Stamford, Connecticut as the hysteria escaped from Salem, Massachusetts and how the panic of witchcraft caused by Katherine Branch in June of 1692, intensified beliefs and readjustments in the legal system in the Puritans society in Stamford, Connecticut. Consequently, Katherine Branch’s accusations inRead MoreEscaping Salem Essay909 Words   |  4 PagesEscaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 American Economic and Social History September 26, 2012 The seventeenth century was full of challenges; political, social, and economical. Across the board individuals struggled to live, although the conditions had much improved from the beginning of the colonies. Women in particular had a difficult time fitting into this patriarchal this society. Women were defined by men and were seen as an accessory to men. In the colony of New England womenRead MoreThe Witch Hunt Of 1692 By Richard Godbeer1548 Words   |  7 Pages Many people are aware of the witch hunt that occurred in Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1692, however these same people may not be as familiar with the other witch hunt that also occurred in New England during the same year. Escaping Salem: the other witch hunt of 1692, written by Richard Godbeer, is a historical monograph that reconstructs the, mostly unheard-of witch hunt, that occurred in Stamford, Connecticut. The book also gives its readers insight into the minds of early American citizensRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials : A Dark Stain Essay709 Words   |  3 PagesSeptember 28, 2015 Witching Hour In January 1692 the Puritan communities of Salem Town and Salem Village found themselves under attack by unknown assailants. Tales of witchcraft, ghost, and blood bonds with the Devil run rampant. Could it be that these God-fearing men, women, and children are now living within the Devil’s playground; or is something more sinister at work? Many saw these attacks as a battle for the eternal souls of their neighbors. 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In January 1692, eleven-year-old Abigail Williams and nine-year-old Elizabeth (Betty) Parris in Salem Village, Massachusetts, began experiencing fits, including violent distortions and uncontrollable outpourings of screaming. Doctor William Griggs diagnosed the two girls with bewitchment. Puritans believed that a witch must draw an individualRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Three Sovereigns For Sarah1005 Words   |  5 PagesSovereigns For Sarah†, I understand more about the Salem witch hunts and trials. The central reason for the witch craze was a falsehood taken too far. The actions of three girls and one woman cost twenty innocent people their lives, and countless others to suffer in less than adequate prison conditions. For instance, the madness was started by Abigail Williams, niece to one Samuel Parris. She accused the family slave, Tituba, of being a witch. Upon hearing these accusations, Reverend Parris beatRead MoreThe Witch Trail Of The Salem Witch Trails1529 Words   |  7 Pages At the word witch, we imagine the horrible old crones from Macbeth. But the cruel trials witches suffered teach us the opposite. Many perished precisely because they were young and beautiful. - Andrà © Breton In 17th-century Colonial America, contact with the supernatural was considered part of everyday life; many people believed that evil spirits were present and active on Earth. This superstition emerged 15th century Europe and spread with the colonization of North American puritan colonies

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