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Questions: 1. How well did Amazon respond to changes In Macro and microenvironment factors and how well did it manage its value chain? 2.Comment on Amazons approach to international business strategy by evaluating its structure, resources, and culture. Answers: Answer 1 Amazon, a name that was synonymous to wildlife and nature some decades ago, has been remolded as something entirely different to its previous association. Amazon is now a household name for online shopping catering to the needs of customers worldwide. In 1994, Jeff Bezos founded Amazon and launched it a year later (Smith, Rupp and Offodile 2017). Beginning initially as an online bookstore, Amazon soon expanded its business by including other items as well. It is the first of its kind e-commerce business that revolutionized the way shopping is done. With the changing era, Amazon.com molded itself to suit the current generation. This section provides an analysis of the macro and micro-environmental factors that affected Amazon since its inception until 2015 and how it responded to the changes (Khan 2016). Amazon has been in the business for over 20 years and operating in almost every country in the world Salam (2016). Numerous factors influence the business and this can be analyzed by applying PESTLE. This model would help in presenting the macro-environmental factors that include political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors affecting the company. Political factors In any country, businesses are bound to be affected by the political situation concomitant in the present age. Amazon.com too had to face issues related to political factors. Policies implemented by governments in different countries might restrict or broaden a companys profits. During the early 90s, when Amazon put its first step in Washington, economic globalization had just begun to spread its feathers and this provided the company a great opportunity to extend its business. However,Amazon.com profits from a countrys political stability. The absence of stability especially in developed countries might prove a threat to the business. Economic factors Economic factors relate to the economic trends that affect a business in any country. To Amazon, the economic pattern of countries where it operates its online retail business directly influences its overall business. However, centered mainly in and on the US, Amazon garners profit largely from countries within the continent. Hence, the companys profits and revenues depend on the economic trend prevailing in most of the American nations. Social factors: Social and cultural factors that affect Amazon include wealth disparity in under developed and developing countries, rise in consumerism and rise in buying habits of people amongst others. While some factors pose a threat to Amazon the disparity in wealth others provide an opportunity as well increased consumerism and buying habits. With the advancement in technology, more people are having access to the internet and providing more opportunities for Amazon to expand. Technological factors Amazons business is entirely dependent upon technology and it is obvious that factors relating to technology will affect it. In the initial years, Amazon had limited customers within the US itself, as many did not have access to the internet. With the emergence of information technology, the business reached its zenith with its customer base growing rapidly. It however needs to be mentioned that this factor, although one of Amazons biggest strength, might prove its biggest weakness as well. This is because the company depends heavily on technology for adding and retaining customers, maintaining and optimizing services and so on. Legal factors The norms and regulations that have to be followed by a company come under this category. These factors can be linked to political factors because the government is involved. Globalization has helped Amazon to increase its customer base, as governments have eased import and export regulations. The companys corporate social responsibility (CSR) regulations are also designed in a way that adheres to the rules that ensure environmental protection. Environmental factors Amazons CSR policy states the importance of developing a business model that encourages sustainability. The company looks to incorporate clean technologies meaning less impact on environment. However, the company has faced criticism for its neglect of CSR, the sustainability issue in particular. In its 20 years, Amazon has never published a report on sustainability and has always avoided talks on corporate responsibility, published a leading daily (Theguardian.com 2017). The company nonetheless looks forwards to change this image. It has appointed people with expertise in this field. Figure 1. Amazons PESTLE Analysis (Source: Created by author) Changing environment influences companies to change or update their strategies from time to time. Amazon has been able to adapt to the changing trends but it still lacks in certain areas. Through Porters Five Forces Analysis, the changing industrial environment can be evaluated. Figure 2. Porters Five Forces (Source: Created by author) Competitive forces This indicates the rivalry of Amazon with existing e-commerce businesses. The situation was different in the 90s when Amazon was launched. Fewer online retailers were there and Amazon too was only involved in selling of books. Its main competitors were Walmart and e-Bay. However, with the changing era, competition increased at an alarming pace owing to increased access to internet. Threats of new entrants Globalization opened the gates for business especially online retailers to spread their business and earn unprecedented revenues. This put Amazon in a vulnerable position has it faced tough competition from the new entrants like Jabong, Flipkart and so on. The new online firms affect Amazons market share that reduces gradually. Customers can easily shift to a new firm as it does not cost them anything and it would not have any negative affect as well. However, Amazon has established a reputation that would be difficult for new companies to match. Threats of substitution Similar to the previous factor, substitute sites are present in abundance that allows customers to switch easily from Amazon. Customers have gamut of options to choose from thus placing Amazon in a vulnerable position. The company thus aims to strategize its future growth keeping this in mind. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers have the power to bargain for costs with the company when there is limited availability of suppliers. Thus, a company must ensure that their suppliers base is strong enough to ensure cost effective strategy. Amazon in this regard has an advantage over most companies. Bargaining power of buyers The consumers have the power to switch to other firms when they feel Amazon demands higher prices for similar products. Abundant options are available for consumers to shift from Amazon and choose another company. This shows that Amazons customer-centric strategy is apt to overcome this challenge. After a thorough analysis of the Five Forces, it is evident that Amazon has managed to maintain its position in the ever-growing competitive market. This can be further explained through its value chain analysis. Amazon has shown exceptional growth by managing the value chain efficiently over the years. The value chain can be categorized into primary and support activities. The primary activity includes inbound logistics, outbound logistics, operations, marketing, sales, and services. Firm infrastructure, human resources, technology development and procurement are included in support activities (Ritala, Golnam and Wegmann 2014). Primary activities Figure 3. Amazons Value Chain Analysis (Source: Created by author) The overall analysis of Amazons micro and macro-environmental factors bring forth its strengths and weaknesses and also its threats and opportunities (Holweg and Helo 2014). This could be better understood by doing the SWOT analysis. Figure 4. Amazons SWOT Analysis (Source: Created by author) Amazon has not limited its business to online shopping only and has carried out strategic conglomerations and deals to expand its business. Its growth strategies can be understood from the Ansoff Matrix (Thijsen, Tong and van Leer 2014). Products Existing New Market Penetration Generating revenues from existing markets by launching loyalty programs and reducing prices Product development With existing capabilities With new capabilities Beyond current expectations Introducing Kindle, Kindle Fire, Echo etc. Market Development New segments New territories New uses With new capabilities Beyond current expectations Expanding to countries beyond the US like India, China, Sweden and Poland Diversification With existing capabilities With new capabilities Beyond current expectations Acquiring IMDb, Zappos and other such products, launching Amazon Web Services (AWS) Markets Figure 5. Ansoff Matrix demonstrating Amazons growth strategy (Source: Created by author) Amazons growth strategy reveals that the company has made smart use of the Ansoff Matrix to relate the strategies to its SWOT strategy. A close look at the opportunities presented to the company reveals its market development strategy to expand to new countries (Hinterhuber and Liozu 2014). Answer 2 Amazon managed to reach the position it is in now by implementing all its strategies systematically and in accord with the changing environment. This was possible because of its customer-centric strategy and hybrid business strategy. An analysis of its mission and vision statement gives an insight into the companys long-term success. Reaching globally, giving customer first priority and offering wide range of products come under its vision statement and results do show that the company has achieved its vision (Laudon and Traver 2013). The mission statement focuses on offering lowest prices, superior selection of products and making those available at extreme convenience. This has also been achieved by the company and the commitment is still there to achieve it further. Amazon successfully managed to retain its top position in the e-commerce business and held 38% market share in 2016. The company earned revenue of USD 135, 987 in the last fiscal year, which is close to 28 per cent increase from the previous year (Fortune.com 2017). This trend seems to continue for the company in the current year as well, report leading business sites. These statistics further strengthen the fact that Amazon has been successful in implementing its strategies in accordance with its goals. This success of Amazon could be attributed to its smart use of technology that helped reduce cost. To cite an example, the company initialized the use of Kiva robots from the year 2014 to help in the processes of picking and packing and cut operating costs down to almost twenty percent (Statista.com 2017). In addition, the company announced the launch of drone delivery services under its Prime air program last year that is estimated to save shipping costs to an unimaginable extent. T he Prime air program would prove highly cost-friendly for both the customer and the company believe experts. Izogo and Ozo (2015) argue that despite Amazons success in the e-commerce industry, it is still under pressure from the growing competition. Emerging markets in the online retail industry are giving a stiff competition to the e-commerce giant. The brick-and-mortar retailers such as Best Buy, Walmart, Target, other e-commerce sites like Flipkart, eBay are some top competitors. However, Amazon has managed to maintain its position in the ever-growing online market. One of the prime reasons for its success is the implementation of the sustainability measures. Although the company did face backlash for its neglect of sustainability issues but it has come a long way since then. Rooftop solar systems, wind farms, installation of LED lights in all its offices across the globe are some initiatives taken by Amazon to encourage sustainability while doing business (Amazon.com 2017). These measures have been taken to develop and maintain the business in the competitive market. Amazon has also managed to survive the bleak e-commerce market by applying innovative ideas to attract customers (Al Sayyed 2016). To illustrate, the company started as an online bookstore but now offers service ranging from movies, music to gaming and more. Amazons intentions to expand and penetrate into every market concerned with technology can be clearly seen from its announcements in recent years. Starting as a humble online store selling books, the company has now expanded to every aspect of technology providing services from Prime air to Echo and such (He 2015). The hunger to expand globally is evident from the measures mentioned in the previous segments. Amazon is structured as a transnational organization that operates in other countries with headquarters based in Seattle, US. Its international strategy is better understood from the Bartlett and Ghoshal matrix (Gershon 2016). According to the matrix, a transnational organization aims to achieve local responsiveness and at the same time target global integration as well. This type of strategy has high pressure for both local responsiveness and global integration. Amazons strategy is in accord with this type of international strategy where it focuses on global expansion while maintaining local base. Sumantra Ghoshals organizing framework for global strategy explains the issues managers face in the global economy and ways to tackle them (Rothaermel 2015). Three basic factors that help tackle these issues include Attaining effectiveness in existing activities Managing risks related with performing these actions Developing inner learning means enable innovation and acclimatize to future changes Evaluating Amazons global strategy, one can clearly see its close link to the above three factors. The company consistently focuses on lessening national differences to stress on global expansion. Further, Amazon follows a hierarchical structure of organization with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) leading the group. Figure 6. Amazons Organizational Structure (Source: Created by author) The Resource Based View model provides a thorough explanation of the resources and competencies of Amazon. The RBV helps in exploring the abilities of a firm to implement and maintain effective national and global strategies. After evaluating the resources and competencies of Amazon, it is important to understand its work culture in order to analyze its international strategy. Amazon.com boasts of an excellent work culture involving employees from different cultural backgrounds. Nonetheless, it has been criticized for having a work culture that pressurizes people to work for long hours and reply to emails or text messages even after midnight. In addition, it has also been accused of discriminating against unwell employees who are supposedly fired for not being able to deliver (Bbc.com 2017). Viewing from Hofstedes five cultural dimensions, three in particular, the workplace culture of Amazon could be better understood. Focusing on individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity and power distance index gives evidence of Amazons unforgiving or brutal culture (Rallapalli and Montgomery 2015). Amazon is mainly a US based company and hence its workplace culture would uphold traditions popular in the US. Employees from other backgrounds thus find it difficult to adjust into the companys culture. With all these factors in mind, Amazon strategically implements its plans and succeeds in expanding globally. In fact, it has managed to penetrate into almost arenas of technological market that was seen impossible some decades ago (Day 2014). References: Al Sayyed, S., 2016. Strategic Marketing. A Live Case Study on Amazon Marketing. Amazon.com (2017).Sustainability-Energy and Environment. [online] Amazon.com. Available at: https://www.amazon.com/p/feature/gkkwdp34z5ou7ug [Accessed 19 Dec. 2017]. Bbc.com (2017).Amazon defends workplace culture. [online] BBC News. 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